Wednesday, October 10, 2007

the engine that will change the world

a few years ago i went to sarah and tomicah's for lunch and before i knew it tomicah was showing me slides for a engine that would change the world. it was an engine that his brother (younger brother corban. at the time i think he was 17) developed, but that he had contributed to. it was fascinating. being the mad scientist that i am, i didn't really get it. but i got that it was a huge improvement from the regular piston action we are used to in our combustion engines. it also tapped into this crazy thing i have thought for a long time. my dad and i used to work on his car and motorcycles together (mostly i would be in the way, but i liked to think i was helping.) he explained to me how inefficient the combustion engine was and how there were better carburetors developed but that evil selfish auto and oil industry leaders wouldn't let these carburetors out to the market. suddenly, here was an engine that so completely improved upon it that it might mean we could no longer be dependant on foreign oil and we could also be free from exorbitant CO2 emissions.

here are some photos of what i saw....

the engine open

the engine closed

a cut away

this explains the whole cycle, but you have to click on it to really get the gist of it.

later that day i was asked to sign a confidentiality agreement, because i had been shown things that were protected until the patent was obtained. well the patent is in hand and now i can talk about it. they are talking with some serious investors and are applying for a grant a NASA that will hopefully attract more attention and then more investors. apparently one of the criteria the judges use when scoring applications is how many views the concept got. please click on the link above in an effort not only to help tomicah but also to help us all have better engines.

the first paragraph looks like this:
Despite skyrocketing oil prices and mounting worldwide energy concerns, the vast majority of internal combustion engines we use for transportation and commerce run at approximately 25% efficiency. Current designs waste 75% of the fuel we pour into them. How to allocate energy resources among a rapidly expanding global consumer base is one of the defining challenges for this generation. Tendix LLC developed a new family of engines that promise to be part of the solution, dramatically enhancing fuel efficiency, effectively prolonging the viability of global petroleum reserves and significantly reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.

check it out, and then please pass it on and put it on your own blog ... you know i love terracycle, but i think this has the potential to be way bigger than even worm poop: if you can believe that!


Unknown said...

Even bigger than worm poop! That should be our new tag line...

andi said...

I always thought tomicah was WAY bigger to worm poop.